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Ngày 14 tháng 03 năm 2025


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 » Tài nguyên » KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY CỦA GIÁO VIÊN NĂM HỌC 2024 - 2025

MÔN TIẾNG ANH, 2024 - 2025

Cập nhật lúc : 15:04 07/03/2025  

giáo án tiếng anh tuần 25


Lesson 1 - Period 97

Teaching day: 03/03-09/03/2025


By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

1. Knowledge and skills

- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on asking and answering questions about someone’s health problem;

- correctly say the words and use What’s the matter? – I have a _____. to ask and answer questions about common health problems;

- use What’s the matter? – I have a ___. in a freer context;

- use the words toothache, headache, sore throat and stomach ache in relation to the topic “Our health”.

2. Competences

- Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to ask and answer questions about someone’s health correctly and fluently.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks.

- Self-control & independent learning: perform pronunciation and speaking tasks.

3. Attributes

- Raise their knowledge of health.

- Show pupils how to take care of themselves and prevent common diseases.  


- Pupil’s book: Page 30

- Audio tracks 41, 42

- Teacher’s guide: Pages 237, 238, 239

- Website

- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 15)

- Computer, projector, …


1. WARM-UP & REVIEW (5 minutes)

Project Presentation





- Tell pupils they are going to present their healthy lifestyle in class.

- Have pupils work in groups to practise their presentation. Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary.

- Invite a few pupils to show their healthy habits and present in front of the class.

- Praise good performances.

- Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Pupils work in groups to practise their presentation.

- Pupils show their healthy habits in front of the class.

2. ACTIVITY 1: EXPLORATION (5 minutes)

Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. (Track 41)





Step 1: Ask pupils to look at Pictures a and b, and identify the characters and any other details they can describe.

Step 2: Ask pupils to look at Picture a. Play the recording of the first dialogue several times for them to listen.

Step 3: Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat, individually and in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Repeat the same procedure with Picture b and the second dialogue.

Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording. Check their pronunciation, and give feedback where necessary.

Step 5: Draw pupils’ attention to the question What’s the matter? and the answer I have a headache. Explain that they are a question and an answer about someone’s health problem.

- Pupils look at Pictures a and b, identify the characters and any other details.

- Pupils look at the Picture a. Pupils listen to the recording of the first dialogue several times.

- Pupils listen to the recording again, sentence by sentence and repeat individually and in chorus.

- A few pairs come to the front of the class to listen and repeat the sentences in the recording.

- Pupils look at the question and the answer. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.


            Activity 2. Listen, point and say. (Track 42)





Step 1: Have pupils point at Picture a, listen to the first part of the recording and repeat the word toothache. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d. Have the class repeat the words a few times.

Step 2: Point at the question pattern What’s the matter? Read it aloud and have pupils repeat it several times. Repeat the same procedure with the answer pattern I have a ___.

Step 3: Point at Picture a and have pupils listen to the next part of the recording and repeat What’s the matter? – I have a toothache. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d.

Step 4: Divide the class into two groups to take turns repeating the question and the answer in Picture a until they feel confident. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures

b, c and d.

Step 5: Put pupils in pairs and have them practise asking and answering questions using the pictures. Invite a few pairs to point at the pictures and say the questions and answers in front of the class. Give feedback where necessary.

- Pupils point at Picture a, listen to the first part of the recording and repeat the word toothache. Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with Pictures b, c and d. Pupils repeat the words a few times.

- Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions.

- Pupils point at Picture a and listen to the next part of the recording and repeat. Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions.

- Pupils work in two groups to take turns repeating the question and the answer in Picture a. Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions with Pictures b, c and d.

- Pupils work in pairs and practise asking and answering questions using the pictures. A few pairs point at the pictures and say the questions and answers in front of the class.



4. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (8 minutes)

Activity 3. Let’s talk.





Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the phrase Phòng Y tế (School Clinic) to guess the context of the picture. Ask them about the common health problems that the characters may have.

Step 2: Read the question in the speech bubble aloud and ask pupils to repeat it. Ask pupils to look at the second bubble and guess what the answer should start with (I have a ____).

Step 3: Have some pairs role-play by asking and answering questions about the health problems in the picture. Go around the classroom to observe and provide help.

Step 4: Invite some pairs to role-play as a doctor and a pupil to ask and answer questions about common health problems in front of the class. Give corrections and feedback where necessary.

Extension: Encourage pupils to brainstorm some other common health problems, then talk with each other using the sentence pattern they have learned in this lesson.

- Pupils look at the phrase Phòng Y tế (School Clinic) to guess the context of the picture. Pupils answer the health problems that the characters may have.

- Pupils repeat the question in the speech bubble. Pupils look at the second bubble and guess what the answer should be.

-  Pupils work in pairs to role-play by asking and answering questions about the health problems in the picture.

- Some pairs role-play as a doctor and a pupil to ask and answer questions about health problems in front of the class. Then, pupils talk about the other health problems that they know.

5. FUN CORNER AND WRAP-UP (7 minutes)

* Start preparing for the project: Ask pupils to prepare for the project on page 35 by doing a survey about common health problems that people have and creating some advice for them. Ask pupils to do the survey while they study Unit 15 so that they can present their survey results and their advice in a poster at Project time. Pupils could also include some information about the people they surveyed, and the reasons why they have those common health problems.

* Option 1: Game: Yes or No (ppt)

- Tell the class how to play the game. Ask pupils to play the game individually.

- Prepare Yes and No boards for pupils.

- Show a picture and a sentence on the board. Have pupils look at the picture and the sentence.

- Ask pupils to raise the Yes board if the picture and sentence are matched.

- Ask pupils to raise the No board if the picture and sentence are not matched. Have pupils say the correct sentence aloud.

  E.g. (picture of a boy with a toothache) - I have a toothache.

  The class raises the Yes board.

  E.g.  (picture of a girl with a sore throat) - I have a stomach ache.

  The class raises the No board.

- Give stickers to the fastest pupil with the correct answer.

* Option 2: Game: Board race

- Explain how to play the game. Give an example.

- Divide the class into two groups.

- Stick the flashcards (toothache, headache, sore throat, stomach ache) on the board.

- Say the word twice so that the pupils can hear.

- Say “Run” and then the pupil from each group has to run quickly to find and choose the flashcard the teacher said. Ask the pupil with the correct flashcard to say the word.

- The group with the most flash cards at the end is the winner. Praise the winner.


Lesson 1 - Period 98

Teaching day: 03/03-09/03/2025


By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

1. Knowledge and skills

- listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which characters ask and answer questions about people’s health problems, and number the pictures;

- complete four gapped exchanges with the help of picture cues;

- sing the song What’s the matter? with the correct pronunciation, rhythm and melody.

2. Competences

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks.

- Self-control & independent learning: perform listening and reading tasks.

3. Attributes

- Raise their knowledge of health.

- Show pupils how to take care of themselves and prevent common diseases.


- Pupil’s book: Page 31

- Audio tracks 43, 44

- Teacher’s guide: Pages 240, 241, 242

- Website

- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 15)

- Computer, projector, …


1. WARM-UP & REVIEW (5 minutes)

Game: Matching pairs





- Tell pupils that they are going to find the pairs of pictures and words as quickly as possible.

- Divide the class into two groups.

- Stick the picture cards face down in the left column and the word cards face down in the right column on the board.

- Invite one pupil from each group to play the game by selecting a picture card and a word card. If two cards are a matching pair, ask the pupil to say the word aloud and he/ she will get one point for his/ her group. If the cards do not make a match, ask the pupil to turn them face down again and invite another pupil from another group to take the next turn.

- Let pupils play the game until all pairs have been matched.

- The group with more points wins the game.

- Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Pupils work in two groups.

- Pupils look at the picture cards and word cards on the board.

- Pupils play the game.

- Pupils praise the winner.





2. ACTIVITY 1: PRACTICE (5 minutes)

Activity 4. Listen and number. (Track 43)





Step 1: Have pupils look at Activity 4. Ask them How many pictures are there? and What health problems can you see in each picture? Give pupils prompts for their guesses, such as The boy has a pain in his head. The boy has a pain in his stomach. Encourage pupils to say, for example, The boy has a pain in his head. He has a headache. The boy has a pain in his stomach. He has a stomach ache. Explain that they will write numbers 1 – 4 in the boxes of the pictures in the order that they hear them.

Step 2: Play the recording of the first dialogue. Ask pupils to find the correct picture and write number 1 in the box. Check their answers and give feedback.

Step 3: Play the other recordings. Ask pupils to work independently, then have them swap books to check answers. Go around the classroom and give support if necessary.

Step 4: Check the answers as a class. Correct the answers, if necessary.

- Pupils look at Activity 4. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation and answer the questions.

- Pupils listen to the recording of the first dialogue. Pupils find the correct picture and write number 1 in the box.

- Pupils listen to the other recording. Pupils work individually, then work in pairs for their peer-checks.

- Pupils check the answers as a class.

3. ACTIVITY 2: PRACTICE (10 minutes)

Activity 5. Read and complete.





Step 1: Ask pupils to look at the

pictures and identify the health

problems that the characters have.

Step 2: Have pupils read the

complete sentence in Question 1.

Ask them what type of word is

missing in the second sentence (a health problem). Ask them to complete the gap using the information in the picture (a girl having a headache). Give the correct answer.

Step 3: Ask pupils to do the other questions independently, then to check answers in pairs. Go around and give support if necessary. Ask questions to have pupils explain their answers. For example, for Question 1, ask “How do you know the answer is “headache”? – Because she’s holding her head and she’s tired.

Step 4: Ask two pupils and two pairs to read the sentences aloud. Give feedback and corrections if necessary.

- Pupils look at the pictures and identify the health problems that the characters have.

- Pupils read the complete sentence in Question 1. Pupils answer what is missing in the second sentence. Pupils complete the gap by finding the information from the picture.

- Pupils do the other questions in the same way individually, then in pairs for their peer-checks.

- Two pupils and two pairs read the sentences aloud.


4. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (8 minutes)

Activity 6. Let’s sing. (Track 44)





Step 1: Have pupils read the lyrics to familiarise themselves with the language. Check comprehension and give feedback.

Step 2: Have pupils listen to the entire song, drawing their attention to the pronunciation,

rhythm and melody.

Step 3: Play the recording of the song once or twice for pupils to listen to and practise singing it, line by line.

Step 4: When pupils feel confident and are familiar with the melody, ask them to sing the entire song while clapping their hands.

Step 5: Invite a few groups to the front of the class to sing the song. The rest of the class may sing along to reinforce the activity.

- Pupils read the lyrics to familiarise themselves with the language.

- Pupils listen to the entire song.

- Pupils listen to the song once or twice and practise singing it, line after line.

- Pupils sing the entire song while clapping their hands.

- A few groups come to the front of the class to sing the song. Pupils may sing along to reinforce the activity.

5. FUN CORNER AND WRAP-UP (7 minutes)

* Option 1: Game: Lucky gift boxes (ppt)

- Tell pupils they are going to look at the pictures and ask and answer about health problems.

- Prepare pictures of common diseases (toothache, headache, sore throat, stomach ache) and gift boxes.

- Have the class play the game in pairs.

- Each pair chooses a gift box they like, then asks and answers questions about health problems.

   E.g. Pupil A: What’s the matter?

          Pupil B: I have a toothache.

- If they ask and answer correctly, they will get gifts from the gift boxes.

- Continue with other pairs.

* Option 2: Game: Pass the bag

- Explain that pupils are going to look at the pictures and say the sentence about health problems.

- Put some flash cards (toothache, headache, sore throat, stomach ache) in a bag.

- Have pupils make two circles.

- Ask pupils to pass the bag around the circle while music plays.

- When the music stops, ask the pupil holding the bag to take out a flash card in the bag and say a sentence, e.g. I have a stomach ache.

- Praise pupils to encourage their performance.


Lesson 2 - Period 99

Teaching day: 03/03-09/03/2025


By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

1. Knowledge and skills

- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on giving and responding to advice about common health problems;

- correctly say the phrases and use You should _____. – Thanks for your advice. to give and respond to advice about common health problems;

- use What’s the matter? – I have a _____. and You should ____. – Thanks for your advice. in a freer context;

- use the phrases go to the dentist, have a rest, drink warm water and take some medicine in relation to the topic “Our health”.

2. Competences

- Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to give and respond to advice about common health problems correctly and fluently.

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks.

- Self-control & independent learning: perform pronunciation and speaking tasks.

3. Attributes

- Raise their knowledge of health.

- Show pupils how to give advice about health problems.


- Pupil’s book: Page 32

- Audio tracks 45, 46

- Teacher’s guide: Pages 242, 243, 244, 245

- Website

- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 15)

- Computer, projector, …


1. WARM-UP & REVIEW (5 minutes)

Karaoke Show





- Tell pupils they are going to listen to the song and fill in the gaps in the lyrics and sing it with correct pronunciation, rhythm, and melody.

- Have pupils listen to the song and fill in the gaps. Play the recording of the gapped sentences twice for pupils to fill in. Then check the answers as the class.

- Play the recording again and have pupils sing the whole song while clapping their hands.

- Invite a few groups to the front of the class to sing the song. The class may sing along and clap to reinforce the activity.

- Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Pupils listen to the song and fill in the gaps. Check the answers as the class.

- Pupils listen to the recording again and sing the whole song while clapping their hands.

- Pupils come to the front of the class to sing the song. The class may sing along and clap to reinforce the activity.

2. ACTIVITY 1: EXPLORATION (5 minutes)

            Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. (Track 45)





Step 1: Ask pupils to look at Pictures a and b, and identify the characters. Have them say what they can see in the thought bubble in Picture B (Nam at the dentist’s).

Step 2: Ask pupils to look at Picture a. Play the recording of the first dialogue several times for the pupils to listen.

Step 3: Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat, individually and in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Repeat the same procedure with Picture b.

Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording. Give feedback where necessary.

Step 5: Draw pupils’ attention to the advice You should go to the dentist. and the response Thanks for your advice. Tell pupils that the first sentence is a way to give advice about a common health problem and the second sentence is a response to receiving advice.

- Pupils look at Pictures a and b and identify the characters. Pupils say what they can see in the thought bubble.

- Pupils look at Pictures a. Pupils listen to the recording of the first dialogue several times.

- Pupils listen to the recording again, sentence by sentence and repeat individually and in chorus.

- A few pairs come to the front of the class to listen and repeat the sentences in the recording.

- Pupils look at the advice and the response. Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.


Activity 2. Listen, point and say. (Track 46)





Step 1: Have pupils point at Picture a, listen to the first part of the recording and repeat the phrase go to the dentist several times. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d. Have the class repeat all the phrases until they feel confident.

Step 2: Point at the advice pattern You should ____. Read it aloud and have pupils repeat it. Repeat the same procedure with the response Thanks for your advice.

Step 3: Point at Picture a and have pupils listen to the next part of the recording and repeat You should go to the dentist. – Thanks for your advice. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures b, c and d.

Step 4: Divide the class into two groups to take turns repeating the advice and the responses for Pictures a, b, c and d until they feel confident.

Step 5: Have pairs of pupils practise advising and responding to advice using the pictures. Invite a few pairs to perform a dialogue in front of the class. Check their pronunciation and give feedback where necessary.

- Pupils point at Picture a, listen to the first part of the recording and repeat the phrase go to the dentist several times. Pupils repeat the phrases.

- Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions.

- Pupils listen to the next part of the recording and repeat. Pupils follow the teacher’s instructions.

- Pupils work in two groups to take turns repeating the advice and the responses for Pictures a - d.

- Pairs of pupils practise advising and responding to the advice with the pictures. A few pairs of pupils perform a dialogue in front of the class.



4. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (8 minutes)

Activity 3. Let’s talk.





Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures and guess the health problems that the characters have. Read the first speech bubble aloud and ask pupils to repeat it. Ask pupils to look at the second speech bubble and identify what the start of the answer should be (I have a). Do the same with the other pair of speech bubbles.

Step 2: Have pairs of pupils practise asking about health problems and giving advice. Go around the class and provide support when necessary.

Step 3: Invite a few pairs to practise the exchanges in front of the class. Make corrections and give feedback where necessary.

Extension: If you didn’t do so earlier, encourage pupils to brainstorm some other common health problems that they may know, such as flu, a cold, a fever and backache, etc., then give their health advice for them.

- Pupils look at the pictures and guess the health problems that the characters have. Pupils repeat the advice in the first speech bubble and repeat. Pupils look at the second bubble and identify what the answer should be.

- Pairs of pupils practise advising and responding to advice about health problems.

- A few pairs practise advising and responding to advice about health problems in front of class.

- Pupils brainstorm some other common health problems that they may know, then give their health advice for them.

5. FUN CORNER AND WRAP-UP (7 minutes)

* Option 1: Game: Quiz Time (ppt)

- Place some gapped sentences and pictures.

- Have pupils play the game individually.

- Show a gapped sentence, a picture and three options A, B or C.

  E.g. picture of “headache”/ You should ____. - Thanks for your advice.

  A.  play football                     B. have a rest              C. watch TV

- Invite a pupil to give the answer.

- Continue with other sentences.

- Praise pupils if they do the game well.

* Option 2: Game: Questions and answers

- Tell pupils how the game is played. Give an example.

- Put pupils into pairs.

- Encourage the pupils to play rock, paper, scissors. The loser gives advice. The winner responds to the advice.

  E.g. Pupil A: You should drink warm water.

         Pupil B: Thanks for your advice.

- Praise pupils to encourage their performance.


Lesson 2 - Period 100

Teaching day: 03/03-09/03/2025


By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

1. Knowledge and skills

- listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which characters talk about health problems, and tick the correct pictures;

-  complete two gapped exchanges with the help of picture cues;    

-  role-play asking for and giving health advice about common health problems.

2. Competences

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks.

- Self-control & independent learning: perform listening, reading and writing tasks.

3. Attributes

- Raise their knowledge of health.

- Show pupils how to give advice about health problems.


- Pupil’s book: Page 33

- Audio track 47

- Teacher’s guide: Pages 245, 246, 247

- Website

- Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 15)

- Computer, projector, …


1. WARM-UP & REVIEW (5 minutes)

Game: Spin





- Tell pupils that they are going to give advice about health and get points from the spin.

- Divide the class into two groups.

- Have a pair of pupils from each group to choose a number, look at the picture, ask and answer the question, then give advice about health.

- If they say the sentences correctly, they will spin to get points for their group.

- The group with more points wins the game.

- Praise the winner.

- Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation.

- Pupils work in two groups.

- Pupils choose a number, look at the picture, ask and answer the question, then give advice about health.

- Pupils spin to get points for their group.

- Pupils praise the winner.

2. ACTIVITY 1: PRACTICE (5 minutes)

Activity 4. Listen and tick. (Track 47)





Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures. Ask What health problems can you see in each

picture? What advice can you see in each picture?

Step 2: Tell pupils to look at the pictures for Question 1, and tell them they will hear a conversation between a boy and a girl about a health problem. Ask pupils to tick the picture that shows the boy’s health problem and the health advice that the girl gives him. Play the recording of the first conversation twice.

Step 3: Repeat the same procedure with the second conversation. Ask pupils to tick the picture that shows the girl’s common health problem and the advice that the boy gives her.

Step 4: Ask pupils to swap books and check each other’s answers. Check answers as a class.

- Pupils look at the pictures. Pupils answer the questions.

- Pupils look at the pictures for Question 1 and hear a conversation between a boy and girl about a health problem. Pupils tick the correct picture that shows the boy’s health problem and the advice that the girl gives him. Pupils listen to the first conversation twice.

- Pupils listen to the second conversation and tick the correct picture that shows the girl’s health problem and the advice that the boy gives her.

- Pupils work in pairs for their peer-checks.

3. ACTIVITY 2: PRACTICE (10 minutes)

Activity 5. Read and complete.





Step 1: Ask pupils to look at the

pictures and identify the characters’ health problems.

Step 2: Have pupils read Exchange 1. Ask them what is missing from the gaps. Have them complete the gaps using clues from the context and the picture. Repeat the same procedure with Exchange 2.

Step 3: Get pupils to complete the conversations independently, then ask a few pairs to read them aloud. Check their answers, giving feedback where necessary.
Step 4: Ask two pairs to read the exchanges aloud. Give feedback if necessary.

- Pupils look at the pictures and identify the health problems that the characters have.

- Pupils read Exchange 1. Pupils answer what is missing from the gaps. Pupils complete the gaps by finding the clues from the context and the picture.

- Pupils complete the conversations individually, then a few pairs of pupils read them aloud.

- Two pairs read the exchanges aloud.

4. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (8 minutes)

Activity 6. Let’s play.





Step 1: Tell pupils to form pairs and role-play as a doctor and a patient. Encourage them to ask for and give advice about health problems. Use the illustration as an example to demonstrate how

to play the game. Give them three minutes to complete their role-plays. Go around the classroom and give support when necessary.

Step 2: When the time is up, ask three pairs to perform in front of the class. Ask the class to vote for the best performance.

Step 3: Reward the pair with the most votes.

- Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation. Pupils ask and give advice about health problems.

- Three pairs perform their roles in front of the class. The other pupils vote for the best performance.

- Pupils praise the pair with the most votes.

5. FUN CORNER AND WRAP-UP (7 minutes)

* Option 1: Game: Spotlight (ppt)

- Tell pupils they are going to guess what the picture is and then make a dialogue based on the picture. 

- Divide the class into 2 teams.

- Invite one pair from each team.

- Spotlight a picture and a pair of pupils from Team 1 guess what the picture is. If their guess is correct, they have to exchange dialogue.

   E.g. Pupil A: What’s the matter?

           Pupil B: I have a sore throat.

           Pupil A: You should drink warm water.

           Pupil B: Thanks for your advice.

- Check pupils’ pronunciation and give them scores if they do the task well.

- If their guess is not correct, invite a pair from the other team.

* Option 2: Pass the balls

- Give two different coloured balls to two pupils, a red ball (ask the question) and a yellow ball (answer the question).

- Ask pupils to listen to music and pass the balls.

- Stop music suddenly.

- Have the pupil with a red ball make a question. Have the pupil with a yellow ball answer the question.

  E.g. Pupil A: You should take a rest.

         Pupil B: Thanks for your advice.

- Praise pupils if they do the activity well.


Lesson 1 (1,2,3) - Period 97

Teaching day: 03/03-09/03/2025

I. Objectives.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Language knowledge & skills:           

– use the words and phrases cinema, shopping centre, sports centre, swimming pool in relation to the topic “My family’s weekends”;

– use Where does he / she go on Saturdays? – He / She goes to the _____. to ask and answer questions about where someone goes;

– listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple communicative contexts in relation to the topic “My family’s weekends”;

– read and write about where someone goes and what someone does at the weekend;

– make notes about where their family members go and what they do at the weekend, and present the results to the class at Project time

2. Ability/Quality:

- Learn hard

- Confident in learning and practice situations

3. Forming competence:

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks

-  Self-control & independent learning: perform presentation skill

4. Attributes:

-  Show pride in where they come from and great respect for where someone comes from by using appropriate gesture and intonation when asking and answering about nationality.-

II. Teaching aids:

- CDs player, student’s book, website, flash cards/ pictures and posters (Starter), computer, projector, …

III. Methods:

- Communicative approach, group Ss and Ts activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present...

IV. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

A. Warm up






B. New lesson













C. Production






D. Homework


– Greet the class.

– Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by asking the class to sing the song When do you watch TV and read books?

– Have pupils open their books at page 26 and look at Unit 14, Lesson 2, Activity 1

Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat

Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures a and b and identify the characters in the pictures.

Step 2: Ask pupils to look at Picture a. Play the recording for them to listen. Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat. Repeat the same procedure with Picture b. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Step 3: Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat in chorus sentence by sentence.

Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the class to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording.

Step 5: Draw pupils’ attention to the question Where does she go on Saturdays? and the answer She goes to the shopping centre. Tell pupils that they are used to ask and answer questions about where a family member goes at the weekend.

Extension: Invite a few pairs of pupils to act out the conversations in front of the class.

Activity 2: Listen, point  and say

Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures a, b, c and d and identify the people and the places.

Step 2: Have pupils point at Picture a, listen to the recording and repeat the word (sports centre). Point at the bubbles and Picture a again and have pupils listen to and repeat after the recording (Where does he go on Saturdays? – He goes to the sports centre.).

Step 3: Repeat the same procedure with the other three pictures. Have the class repeat the questions and answers a few times.

Step 4: Have pairs practise asking and answering the questions Where does he / she go on Saturdays? – He / She goes to the _____.

Step 5: Invite a few pairs to point at the pictures and say the questions and answers in front of the class.

Activity 3: Let’s talk

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures. Ask questions to help them identify the context (see Input).

Step 2: Put pupils into pairs and have them practise asking and answering questions about where a family member goes at the weekend. Go around the classroom to offer support where necessary.

Step 3: Invite a few pairs to the front of the class to practise asking and answering questions about where a family member goes at the weekend. Praise pupils if they perform well.

Game: Play the Pokemon game (ppt)

- Divide the class into 3 teams.

- Pupils from each team choose a number then answer the questions

- After 6 numbers, the team with the most points is the winner.

- Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures

Greet the Teacher

Sing the song

Whole class

Individual work

Group work

Whole class

Pair work

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work

Whole class/ Pair work

Play the game

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work

Play the game

Do exercises


Lesson 1 (4,5,6)- Period 98

Teaching day: 03/03-09/03/2025

I. Objectives.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Language knowledge & skills:           

- use the words and phrases cinema, shopping centre, sports centre, swimming pool in relation to the topic “My family’s weekends”;

- use Where does he / she go on Saturdays? – He / She goes to the _____. to ask and answer questions about where someone goes;

- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple communicative contexts in relation to the topic “My family’s weekends”

2. Ability/Quality:

- Learn hard

- Confident in learning and practice situations

3. Forming competence:

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks

-  Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks.

4. Attributes:

- Show responsibility for what they do in their daily life and respect for others.

II. Teaching aids:

- CDs player, student’s book, website, flash cards/ pictures and posters (Starter), computer, projector, …

III. Methods:

- Communicative approach, group Ss and Ts activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present...

IV. Procedure:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

A. Warm up









B. New lesson















C. Production





D. Homework


   Greet the class.

   Game: Slap the board.

– T divides class into 2 teams.

- T calls 1 pupil from each team to come to the board.

- T shows clues (picture and some given letters) on the slides, pupils need to slap the board as quickly as possible to choose the missing letters.

- The first pupils slapping at the correct answer will get 1 point for their team.

Activity 4: Listen and tick

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to Pictures 1a and 1b. Ask questions to help them identify the characters and places.

Step 2: Play the recording of the first dialogue for pupils to listen to. Play the recording again for them to listen and do the task by ticking the correct picture.

Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for Pictures 2a and 2b.

Step 4: Tell pupils to swap books with a partner, then check answers as a class. Write the correct answers on the board. Play the recording again for pupils to double-check their answers.

Extension: If time allows, play the recording, sentence by sentence, for the class to listen and repeat individually and in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Activity 5: Look, complete and read

Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures. Get them to identify the places and characters in the pictures.

Step 2: Have pupils look at the gapped sentences. Draw their attention to the missing words and phrases in the sentences.
Step 3: Model Sentence 1. Have pupils look at the sentence.  Ask them what word is missing (swimming pool). Then have pupils complete it (My brother goes to the swimming pool on Saturdays.).

Step 4: Repeat the same procedure with Sentence 2 and Exchanges 3 and 4.

Step 5: Have pupils complete the gapped sentences and gapped exchanges individually and ask pupils to read them aloud.

Activity 6: Let’s sing

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the title and lyrics of the song.

Encourage them to point at the places in the pictures to reinforce their understanding.

Step 2: Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen to the whole song.

Encourage them to listen carefully to the pronunciation, rhythm and melody.

Step 3: Play the recording, line by line, for pupils to listen and repeat. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Step 4: Play the recording all the way through for pupils to sing and clap along with the recording.

Extension: Invite some groups to the front of the class to perform while the rest of the class sings and claps along.

Game: play the Game (ppt)

- Divide the class into 3 teams.

- Pupils from each team choose a number, then answer the question

- Pupils answer correctly get some points

- Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures

Greet the Teacher

Play the game

Whole class

Individual work

Whole class

Whole class

Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class


Play the game

Do exercise


Lesson 2 (1,2,3)-Period 99

Teaching day: 03/03-09/03/2025

I. Objectives.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Language knowledge & skills:           

- Use the words and phrases cinema, shopping centre, sports centre, swimming pool, cook meals, do yoga, play tennis and watch films in relation to the topic “My family’s weekends”;”;

- use What does he / she do on Sundays? – He / She _____. to ask and answer questions about what someone does;

- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple communicative contexts in relation to the topic “My family’s weekends”;.

- Dead and write about where someone goes and what someone does at the weekend.

2. Ability/Quality:

- Learn hard

- Confident in learning and practice situations

3. Forming competence:

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks

-  Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks

II. Teaching aids:

- CDs player, student’s book, website, flash cards/ pictures and posters (Starter), computer, projector, …

III. Methods:

- Communicative approach, group Ss and Ts activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present...

IV. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

A. Warm up



B. New lesson






















C. Production






D. Homework


Greet the class.

Sing a song: Where do they go on Saturdays?

Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat

Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures a and b and identify the places, characters and their activities in the pictures.

Step 2: Ask pupils to look at Picture a. Play the recording for them to listen. Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat. Repeat the same procedure with Picture b. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Step 3: Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat in chorus sentence by sentence.

Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the class to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording.

Step 5: Draw pupils’ attention to the question What does he do there? and the answer He plays tennis. Tell pupils that they are used to asking and answering questions about what a family member does at the weekend.

Activity 2: Listen, point  and say

Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures a, b, c and d and elicit the activities of the people.

Step 2: Have pupils point at Picture a, listen to the recording and repeat the phrase (cooks meals). Point at the speech bubbles and Picture a again and have pupils listen to and repeat after the recording (What does she do on Sundays? – She cooks meals.).

Step 3: Repeat the same procedure with the other three pictures. Have the class repeat the questions and answers a few times.

Step 4: Have pairs practise asking and answering the questions What does he / she do on Sundays? – He / She ____. using picture cues.

Step 5: Invite a few pairs to point at the pictures and say the questions and answers in front of the class.

Activity 3: Let’s talk

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures. Ask questions to help them identify the context (see Input).

Step 2: Put pupils into pairs and encourage them to ask and answer questions about what a family member does at the weekend. Go around the classroom to offer support where necessary.

Step 3: Invite a few pairs to practise asking and answering questions about what a family member does at the weekend. Praise pupils if they perform well.

Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the class to perform their conversations.

Extension: If there is enough time, split the class into two groups to take turns chanting and clapping hands. Each of the groups should sing one verse of the chant. Then invite some groups to the front of the class to chant and clap their hands.

Play Game (ppt) Lucky wheel

-Teacher divides the class into 2 teams (boys and girls).

-Each team takes turns to choose the flag and answer the question.

-The team that has more points is the winner.

- Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures

Greet the Teacher

Play the game

Whole class

Whole class


Pair work

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Pair work

Pair work

Group work/ Pair work

Pair work

Group work/ Pair work

Play the game

Do exercise




Lesson 2 (4,5,6)-Period 100

Teaching day: 03/03-09/03/2025

I. Objectives.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Language knowledge & skills:           

- use the words and phrases cinema, shopping centre, sports centre, swimming pool in relation to the topic “My family’s weekends”;

- use Where does he / she go on Saturdays? – He / She goes to the _____. to ask and answer questions about where someone goes;

- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple communicative contexts in relation to the topic “My family’s weekends”

2. Ability/Quality:

- Learn hard

- Confident in learning and practice situations

3. Forming competence:

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks.

-  Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks.

II. Teaching aids:

- CDs player, student’s book, website, flash cards/ pictures and posters (Starter), computer, projector, …

III. Methods:

- Communicative approach, group Ss and Ts activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present...

IV. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

A. Warm up




B. New lesson













C. Production












D. Homework


Greet the class.

Game: Sing a song

- T asks pupils to sing the song Where do they go on Saturdays in chorus.

Activity 4: Listen and tick

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures and the icons. Ask questions to help pupils identify the people in the pictures and the icons.

Step 2: Play the recording for pupils to listen to. Play the recording again for them to listen and do the task by matching the people to the activities. Play the recording a third time to give pupils another listening opportunity.
Step 3: Check answers as a class. Play the recording again for pupils to double-check their answers.
Extension: If time allows, play the recording, sentence by sentence, for the class to listen and repeat individually and in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Activity 5: Look, complete and read

Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures. Get them to identify the people and their activities in the pictures.

Step 2: Have pupils look at the two gapped exchanges. Draw their attention to the missing words.
Step 3: Model Exchange 1. Have pupils look at the first gap. Ask them what word is missing (sports centre). Then have them complete the sentence (He goes to the sports centre.). Get them to guess the missing words in the following sentences (do; tennis).
Repeat the same procedure with Exchange 2.
Step 4: Get pupils to swap books with a partner and check their answers before checking as a class. Ask a few pairs to read the completed exchanges aloud.

Activity 6: Let’s play

Step 1: Tell pupils that they are going to play Matching game in pairs. They will take turns turning over a pair of cards (as mentioned in Input).

Step 2: The player turns over a pair of cards. If the cards show an activity and a place that matches, the player scores a point, e.g. the card play tennis matches the card sports centre.
Step 3: The player continues to turn over pairs of cards. If the cards do not match, the other player has a turn. The player who gets more points is the winner.
Step 4: Have pupils work in pairs. Invite one or two pairs to the front of the class to play the game.
Extension: To make the game more challenging, ask pupils to make sentences with the words on the cards they have, e.g. My father goes to the sports centre on Sundays. He plays tennis.

Play the Build the city game (PPT)

- Divide the class into 2 teams, Pupils choose any number, the teacher clicks on the NUMBER to go to the question, after pupils answer correctly, the teacher clicks on the key next to it to unlock.

- Teacher clicks on start to build to go to the city building slide.

- Teacher clicks on the corresponding picture to put the object in the right place.

- The game ends when the city is built.

- Teachers can also add points for students to have more fun.

- Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures

Greet the Teacher


Whole class

Individual work

Whole class

Whole class

Individual work

Whole class

Whole class

Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Play game

Do exercise